Saturday, May 06, 2006

If someone's eating a hamburger and you give them SUSHI they'll always go for the ...?

... although (when quote is complete) was used as an analogy to show what people will go for when deciding between what they are used to, and whats new .. its an interesting question to ask yourself ..

... I'll go for the sushi ;)


At 5/08/2006 11:25 AM, Blogger Na22ash said...

But wait a minute .. You are "USED" to Sushi more than Hamburger !!!
The quote applies to normal people only , in your case it should be reversed :P

At 5/11/2006 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sushi vs. Hamburger: Why are we all risk-averse?

One of the most challenging aspects of my job is educating unsophisticated clients on how to let go of their soul-less boring typical strategies (sometimes self). And although my area is communications, some of my lovely clients are messed up and so out of date I offer them all kinds of consultation to include psychological therapy! (literally). And even with that, they do not let go of their old, risk-averse self – Everyone prefers settling rather than risk-taking. It's comforting...and if you think of it we're all like that in one way or another – old is comforting, it's guaranteed and it's tried and tested... If I'm a risk taker when it comes to my career and things I'm used to I'm risk averse in other things – things that I'm doing for the first time... or maybe things I fear the loss of more.. Is becoming a risk taker an acquired thing?? The way sushi is an acquired taste?
Why take a risk for something when you've already experienced a guaranteed and comforting result without having to take that risk?

Would you say our fear of not going beyond the lines, the boxes and the limitations that our mind, the society and our upbringing has instilled in us the sole problem that keeps us all risk-aversed??
Is that how the concept "Think outside the box?" was adapted...? what's the box? Who puts the lines to that box...your mind? Or the environment around you... Who is to say that my "thinking outside the box" isn't your "thinking within the inside of that box"..?? Are we limiting ourselves or is someone else saying we are so we believe that? Who's to say?

Just my thoughts – Bored and sick of work!


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